
What's on your happy list?

Take two minutes out of your Sunday afternoon to watch this video...go on, just watch it - it might change your perspective on the things that actually matter. 

What's on your happy list?

I regularly watch Ze's videos - he's an inspirational guy who has a lot to teach people and he talks with a simplicity and a real sense of being able to change the way to you approach your perspective on life. His videos are inspirational, funny, heartwarming and sometimes a little sad, but I always come through the other side a little bit more wholesome after watching them.

I wanted to share that particular one with you because it points out all the little things that happiness is comprised of. There's nothing big or scary on there like owning a business, or falling in love. These are admirable things, which of course can cause great happiness, but they are also aspirations which most people have to wait for the future to bring. A friend recently told me happiness is now. Happiness is finding the pleasantness of the present moment. Happiness is basking in the bliss of life in this moment. Happiness is appreciating who you are, despite all the imperfections and insecurities.

Happiness is all the little moments in life which build up to the grand finale of getting married, or getting your first job, or graduating, having and raising a child, or finally figuring out what the hell you want to do with your life! Happiness is not a finite state of being, it's an eternal way of life. 

So here's my happy list, which certainly isn't conclusive. What's on yours?

  • smelling freshly brewed coffee
  • remembering moments from my childhood
  • getting into a cold bed on a hot summer's evening
  • sitting by the fire when it's blowing a gale outside
  • turning the pages of books
  • hearing the crackle of sparklers
  • walking into W H Smith and smelling new books
  • receiving gift vouchers from friends and family
  • putting on clothes which have been warmed on the radiator
  • getting a perfect flick when I put on eyeliner
  • receiving post
  • being told I made a difference to somebody
  • getting so invested in the plot of a book or television series that I feel I know the characters better than the real people in my life
  • watching a stage play or ballet performance
  • getting all the lyrics to a song perfectly correct and in tune
  • beating the computer at chess
  • beating anyone at chess
  • the greeting my pets give me when I return home, after having spent two or three months away at university
  • laughing with friends until we cry 
  • looking back at old photographs

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