Just a quick note to let you all know (because clearly, there's bound to be thousands of you reading these posts), that I'm no longer housebound as my key has arrived first class post, thanks to my landlords. Fantastic news. Let's just hope I've not been cursed or anything and that this key doesn't crumble in any locks, shatter under any cars or suspiciously get thrown into the North Sea during any Freshers/Raisin/May Dip antics. Safe to say, I'll be keeping away from the beach, mainly because Scottish weather doesn't fare kindly to those used to more tropical climates. Beware Americans, you'll be regretting your decision to study here once you see how temperamental the weather can be. And those bikini's and flip flops? Not a chance. It's all Parka's and Hunter's where we come from, I'm afraid.
So, I'm sure you'll be dying with anticipation to know what's on my agenda for this week? First, housekeeping:
- I need to get oven gloves as I had to perform a very intense operation sans protection whilst cooking some dinner yesterday, involving spatulas and heat. Not a good mix.
- I'm going to venture over to Rymen at some point to grab myself a notice board. Because no doubt if I don't, there'll be Post-It's all over my wall, and my room will be akin to:
- Catch up with friends, socialise and re-gain some of my lost sanity. Should be fun.
Catch you later!
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